недеља, 4. новембар 2012.

Birds in the bosom

                           ULICA POBEDE

Koraci odbegli
od noći od sna
odjekuju nestvarno,
kišne kapi slivaju
na putu ka cilju.

Slova u ruci
za jutro objašnjenje,
izgovorene reči
prosute na dohvat,
presretnute misli,
od prošle noći sni,

Fragmenti podeljeni
slučajnim prolaznostima,
violina koja staru pesmu
otkriva konačnom trenu
u ponovnom prolazu,
nova i već viđena lica.

Na licu prećutani san
kao otežali oblak kišni,
na ramenu torba želja
razlog da postojimo prolazni
i s težnjom da zamene se obale,
ulicu Pobede za jutro
neko sledeće ostavljam.

I ništa nije završeno
kroz zgusnuto prosejano trunje
dok ne slože se sve slike
na zidu senke se izgube.


Steps runaway
of nights of sleep
echo unreal
raindrops flowing
on the way to the goal

Letters in hand
explanation for the morning,
spoken words
scattered within reach,
intercepted thoughts,
reduction from last night
and insomnia.

Fragments divided
random transience,
violin that old song
reveals the final moment
in re-passing,
new and already seen the face.

On the face of unspoken dream
harder for the cloud rain,
shoulder bag desire
reason that there are transient
and ultimately to replace the coast
won the street for a morning
following a leave.

And nothing is over
sifted trough the dense particles
while not agree to all of the pictures
shadows on the wall are lost



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