Znam ovaj osećaj daljine,
dosluh vetra prevrtljivca,
ravnicu što otvara svoje vratnice.
I kako sada da zovem te ?

Anđele , tvoje lice ispod neba
koje ruga se putniku?
I evo me kroz prsten slutnje,
prsten od obamrlosti.

Osećam vino
s demonom i urezano ime,
nosim taj tren istrajni,
korakom laganim i napred,
ipak ne vidiš,
ovo pijanstvo,
ovo sablaznjivo delo pod kapima.

I sad bih na počinak,
posle ovih ponuđenih daljina,
samo veruj u konačni cilj,
a ja zagledan u senku na zidu.

Ponudiću dodiru tragaoca
iz dubine ćutljivosti,
 ulice što sve na jednu liče.

I zovem samo jedno brdo
na svoj ovoj ravnici nepregleda,
da predahnem, da zastanem.

Ako me čuješ ispod ove oluje
u iscrtani krug spoznaje ?
Da, sada istinski sam dotakao noć.



I know this sense of distance,
collusion from turncoats,

plain, which opens its doors.
And so now I'm calling you?

Angel, your face under the sky
which mocks the traveler?
And here I am in the ring conjecture,

ring of numbness.

I feel wine
and engraved with the name of a demon,

I carry that moment with persistence,
step forward and easy,

yet you do not see,
this drunkenness, 
this scandalous act under drops.

And now I would like to rest,
after these proposed distance,

just believe in the ultimate goal,
and I'm looking at the shadows on the wall.

Will offer a touch seeker
from the depths of pretense,
the streets all to one person.

I just call it a hill
in all this vast plain,
to rest, to pause.

If you can hear me underneath this storm
the dotted circle of knowledge?
Yes, I am truly touched by night.

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