Kako me prenu!
Iz najdublje misli,
iz spokoja i obamrlosti
srebrni trak mesečev
kroz okno prozorsko.
Kako me kuša?!
U ovaj pozni sat,
kao pijanca staro vino,
ove noći smo saputnici
da bolje mesto usnimo
na čun ruke oslonimo.
I kroz prsten noć,
osećam taj otežali dodir
samo u prolazu,
ništa značajno i istrajno
bez spremnosti za jutro.
Stojim obasjan
kao da budim se
sve jasnije,viđenje,
na bolje mesto usmeren
gde protiču velike reke,
visine dostupnije.
How startled me!
The deepest thoughts,
the tranquility and numbness
silver ribbons moon
through the window pane.
How do I taste?
At this late hour,
like a drunk old wine,
This night we companions
better place to submit
Chun rely on hand.
I ring through the night,
I feel the touch harder
only in passing,
nothing significant and persistent
unprepared for the morning.
I stand illuminated
like to wake up
increasingly clear vision,
directed to a better place
where large rivers flow,
level accessible.
How startled me!
The deepest thoughts,
the tranquility and numbness
silver ribbons moon
through the window pane.
How do I taste?
At this late hour,
like a drunk old wine,
This night we companions
better place to submit
Chun rely on hand.
I ring through the night,
I feel the touch harder
only in passing,
nothing significant and persistent
unprepared for the morning.
I stand illuminated
like to wake up
increasingly clear vision,
directed to a better place
where large rivers flow,
level accessible.